Friday, October 14, 2011


Since this week is spirit week (do I say it right?), most of students were dress up for the entire whole week, but I did not except for Friday. I have so many works to do and I am so lazy to find material that would help me to dress up for the entire week, so I choose not to do so.

The first day of this week is pajama day that is fun to wear pajama to school which will give me more time to sleep before I really wake up and go to school. The problem is that my mom gives us a ride to school every day, she might ask me so many question when I did not have a normal school look. I forgot what is Tuesday, Wednesday is Bro-day. That is really cool that everyone dressed up like boy, with cap, shorts, sunglasses, shirts and long socks (Maybe this is my view on how to dress up in a Bro-day).  Thursday is fake injury day, I saw so many people with band aid on their face but I am so lazy and did not “dress up” for that day. Today is Friday, also is homecoming day!!!  I got high when I was during the assembly thus I have a raucity voice. My face paint on my shoulders were got wrap off into my pants. L I don’t feel like doing it I have test after the assembly, that’s no fun at all. I hang out with my friends after school until 5. They went to Football Homecoming Game and I went home to finish all posts that have to due tonight. Overall, this week is kind of crazy and fun.

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