Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE]Banned Shark fins? Yes or No?

My respond event this week will be about Nathan's current event, which is a bill that Governor Brown signed, banned the possession, sale, and distribution of shark fin into California. When my daddy read about this law in the television, he yelled “Why they are banning the shark fin??" "Why not banned? You do not know that will really affect our environments!! You only know to eat!! You do not even care about what happen next!!”  My daddy kept silent afterward, I thought he was thinking about my idea toward shark fins should be banned or maybe he was angry at the way how I talk to him, (who knows… I am not him). I am having a totally different point of views with my daddy. Personally, I like to drink the shark fin soup and it is good for people. But in an environment circumstance, just cut the shark fins and dump them back into the ocean, which would forcing more than 200,000 sharks are killed every day because of losing their fins. (Data came from this website).

People, if you are able to cut off the fins of a shark while it is alive, and suffocating, and then throw it into the water so it can be abandoned, and left their to die of starvation, and eaten by other predators. You are a cold-blooded hardcore heartless freak that should be locked up in jail for life. Think about it this way, you wouldn’t do that to your dog, or your children... so how does it make it right to do that to a shark? And the fins don't even add any flavor, it just gives a texture!! Think about what’s your children’s future, Ok??

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