Friday, September 9, 2011

[RE]response to nancy's response post

This is  Nancy's response post, which is her response post about Daimen's free post. It sounds like I am doing Nancy's response post, but the fact is I am really doing the response for Daimen's post.  I found out Daimen and Nancy's posts are both talking about the thing that I really care about and I must need to complete before all the college application deadlines.

"Not only do we have the SATs/ ACTs, but on top of that we need to work on getting our statements for college written and completed soon. Luckily Sutherland will be including the UC personal statements in our assignments"

I definitely agree!! I mean REALLY, REALLY AGREE!!!! This year is not only be the most memorable year in high school, but it is also a  hard working year. I believed every seniors have to take SATs or ACTs and needed to write the personal statement to applying colleges. Some of my friend do not even start to doing research for colleges... I always been worry about whether the teacher is helping us to do the UC personal statement or not. I was so happy that Mr. Sutherland led us to start writing our prompt in the first week. Then I will have so many chance to fix my poorly writing.

Since I was still a junior, I have been thinking about to do the research for colleges and to take the SAT... something like this blah blah...But I always being a lazy ass, just keep pushing the plan backward. In this year, I would not letting the same thing happen again!!!!!! 

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